
My Pregnancy still Lingers On...

Wednesday I went to the dentist for a "consult". I knew I needed a little work done but I had no Idea. I need SIX fillings!!! Not One, Two, Or Three......SIX!!! These fillings also come with an awesome $400 price tag. I am choosing to believe I don't have that bad of a dental hygiene problem, so my pregnancy must have been the culprit. Several people have confirmed this: that pregnancy can ruin your teeth, but I mean...geez people! I might need dentures by the time I have another baby!

All I can say is that Hayden is worth it. He's getting so big now. He will definately be a heartbreaker. His hair has grown out so much since his first hair cut (december 8th) that he could already use another one! If he were a girl, and not that I wish he was, I would have a field day playing with all that hair. His eyes are still an amazing blue color, his cheeks always blushed to perfection, and that smile...forget about it! He just makes me melt!

And, if you haven't heard this song yet (you may recognize it from the last season of American Idol) you need to! It's "Home" by Michael Bublé. It's an older song, but I love it so much. I pretty much listen to it on repeat in my car every chance I get.

Till next time. Ciao!

1 comment:

Crystalyn Thorsen said...

He is such a cutie Hanna!! I'm scared to go to the dentist for exactly that reason, I haven't been in years and I don't wanna know... And LOVE that song by M. Buble, he is amazing!