
It's been too long...

I'm finally updating this blog!!! Woo-hoo! I don't even know where to start...

In Hanna and Craig News:
We're looking into some property out in Holden. It's fabulous! 19.51 acres and it butts up to the tickfaw river. It comes complete with its own beaches and everything. I'm totally in love. We took some pics so i'll post those soon enough. And, of course I'll keep you updated!!

In Hayden News:
I don't know whether to start with the good or the bad??!!??
He's officially crawling! Of course this means He's officially into everything! He's also pulling up and his tiny little hands grabs anything he can get them on. He has a fascination at the moment with the draw strings of our curtains in the bedroom. I think he'd play with them for an hour if we let him. He's also discovered the joys of chasing Annabelle around the house, and he has a fondness for running you over directly on your heels in his walker. He and Blakeleigh are starting to enjoy each other's company even more so now that he can crawl...they're pretty much partners in crime! In somewhat sad news - I believe it's time for yet another haircut. Everytime he sits up and is trying to play the hair just falls all in his eyes. It's getting to the unmanagable point as well. Combing threw it after a bath is a tremendous task!
Well, lets just say the ear infections have not stopped! One more and he's going to have to get tubes. He has craddle cap, Eczema, and HAD a yeast infection. He's had TWO chest x-rays done to rule out pneumonia because of wheezy breathing. He's now on an inhaler breathing treatment, and we're having ANOTHER round of a virus. WHEN WILL IT END????

In School News...
I have all A's at the moment - Officially surviving the first round of tests. I probably won't find out whether or not I got into Nursing school until April so I'll definately keep you posted!

Ciao for now! I'll try to not be such a stranger.