Thursday we took Hayden to do Santa Pics. They're not too bad, although I am a perfectionist, I can't complain. He's smiling...just not at the camera.

Friday I took Annabelle to the vet. The Vet and I concluded it would be best to spay her since she ruptured a disk in her back about a year ago. Labor would be too much on her. And, to my surprise she hasn't lost any weight. Since Vader's passing we've been having to hand feed her- Poor thing -She still looks for him too. People who say dog's don't grieve are just silly.
When I picked Hayden up from daycare that day I couldn't quite figure out something on his daily log sheet. There is a new afternoon teacher, and next to snack she wrote:
1/2 bowl
Ch. Pudding
What was that suppose to mean? I didn't send anything with him that was a pudding. It took me until Saturday night to realize she had given my son Chocolate Pudding!!! See, in the back of the daycare they have a kitchen for the older kids and I guarantee you their snack that day was chocolate pudding. I'm pretty upset about it. You're not suppose to give little ones stuff like that until over a year old. Their tummys just can't process it. Needless to say I'll have to have a little talk with his daycare Wednesday after the Holidays. I know it was an honest mistake and I'm not looking to get anyone in trouble. But, Hayden could have gotten really sick - Not to mention he could have had an allergic reaction to it.
In better news...Hayden says "Momma" now. I'm so pumped, although, I haven't heard him say it yet. Craig has, Mrs. Tammy has, and even daycare. I think he thinks I'm "daddy".
1 comment:
Oh he is just precious!
I would be pretty upset about the choclate pudding too!!!! I've been SUPER careful about the foods you are supposed to wait on. Mine are almost two and still haven't had Peanut Butter or any nuts. I have to tell everyone I leave them with...NO NUTS!!! My dad has a ton of food allergies and it's kind of scary!!
Hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas!!
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