I took Hayden to the doctor for a little on going cough he's had. Waiting in our little, yellow room I noticed he had a little fluid in his right ear. When the doc came in I told him as he checked his left ear. "Well, that one's infected so I hate to see the other one." They were both infected. Listening to his lungs he didn't like the sound of them either. Very casually he told me we would need to go to the Lake for a chest x-ray to rule out pnuemonia..."What!?!." This was supposed to be just a little cold virus. I was so scared. Before we left for the hospital our nurse did an ABG to check Hayden's blood oxygen levels - it was low too. So, we scheduled an appointment for the next morning to have it re-checked. If they were low again he would need to do breathing treatments. "My poor little baby!"
Got the x-rays - did the second Blood oxygen level count - They were both good! So, now I have a sick little boy with infections in both ears, but he's not as sick as he could be.
Craig's Great Grandma Inez's annual Christmas party. The highlight? The contest between Craig and Ted - Who could open they're present the fastest...with oven mitts on! Haha! Of course Craig tried to cheat by opening up his pocket knife, but Ted won in the end.
Something Every Girl Should Know...
If you have to have something sweet eat dark chocolate. Dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher raises serotonin levels in your brain. Increased serotonin levels means being in a better mood : ) Now you have an excuse to eat chocolate!
(wink, wink Mal)
Found this blog by random and enjoyed my time reading : )
What a great excuse to eat chocolate in the top article ! LOVE THAT :D
Take Care,
Michael F.T.F.
I hope Hayden feels better soon! I know how it feels to have sick little ones, no fun. It's that time of year though...
Blessings to you and your family,
Hi Hanna!!
Thanks for the invite to read your blog!! I will check it often!!
Hope you all have a GREAT christmas.
Here is my family blog...
Give little Hayden a hug from me!!
Get well Hayden, I love his Christmas card!
Ovenmitts, thats halarious!
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