The family is doing great! Craig probably feels like a single dad here lately since all I do is study, but he's been my biggest cheerleader and I'm so thankful for his support. Hayden is growing like a weed and he's just an all around sweet kid. Here are some up-to-date family pics:

Another reason why I'm so excited for this semester to be over is that I'll have way more time to spend with Hayden. I'll be a "stay at home mom" for about a month and a half...hehe. I can't wait!
In other exciting news...Craig and I along with a ton of our friends are going to the LSU-Ole Miss game. We're going down Friday night and we're going to make it a little weekend getaway. I'll post pics....I just don't know when : )
Yesterday we went to watch my little 7 year old cuz Cade ride his dirt bike at the track.

Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen? It was alot of fun watching him do his thing. Of course Hayden was looking just like his daddy all cute in his new chucks.
I'll keep updating whenever I get a chance. Till then........