I'm not a very good blogger am I? Thank goodness I have great friends like Kelly to inspire me to write again. Alot has happenend since I've blogged last. I won't dare try to fit it in on one entry, but I'll update you periodically to fill you in.
As of now Hayden is full speed ahead. He's walking!!! I never thought I'd see the day [or maybe I just hoped I'd never see the day]. He's getting so big! We recently returned from our second trip to the beach and I'm happy to report that he finally likes the pool and the beach is growing on him. He liked the sand for about a whole minute - then he ate it - then he hated it.
On our return from the beach we were unpleasantly surprised to find that Chasity had accidently left out freezer open. We had about $100 worth of shrimp in there, so needless to say our entire house smells like a seafood restaurant dumpster! Yuck! Times like these make me wish our olfactory sense was'nt our longest lasting memory, because I definately will remeber this smell for a looooonnnnng time. We're staying at my Mother-in-laws until the smell subsides. On top of all this - we will most definately have to invest in a new couch, mattress set, and refrigerator - the smell has seeped into them all! Ughhh!
I guess that's enough updating for now. As soon as I can get my pictures from the beach uploaded I'll post them. It feels good blogging again, so I hope I write again sooner rather than later.