I hate to use the word "hate", but I really hate Mondays. I wake up (normally late) brew some coffee, get Hayden's things together, get dressed, etc, etc. Hayden normally allows me to do all this and wakes up just in time for me to dress him for the day. By 7:20 a.m. he's at daycare and I'm well on my way to work. I'm at work ALL day long people. Then, shortly after 5:20 p.m. I'm off to class. Thank God it's a nutrition class and it holds my attention. By the time I get home It's about 8:45 p.m. Doesn't that stink? I don't get to see Craig Until about 15 minutes until bedtime (for both of us). And, I don't get to see Hayden at all. He's an early bird usually turning in at about 7:00-7:30 p.m.
The only good thing about Mondays is the great hug I get from Hayden on Tuesday morning. Till next time...Ciao!
My Worst Nightmare
It's Happened: My favorite pair of size 4 American Eagle jeans have finally gave out on me. They've stuck with me threw thick and thin (literally). These were my fall back jeans; the ones that no matter how many times you'd just changed outfits they'd always fit you perfect. I'm really quit devastated. In fact, I haven't even thrown them away yet. I don't think I can bring myself to do it. So what's next? A trip to AE to find my next pair of "perfect jeans". RIP!
Nutrition Facts
I'm currently taking a Nutrition class that I'm enjoying so much already. It's so interesting to learn about how, what, and when we should eat. These are a few things I thought were really cool, and you might find interesting:
Margerine is one molecule away from being a plastic
When you have cardiovascular blockage Pomogranate or Pomogranate juice can reduce the blockage by a half. It also slows Prostate Cancer.
Coffee contains antioxidants important for fighting cancers, antibacterial components, reduces effects of Type II diabetes, Galstones, Minimizes tremors associated with Parkinson's Disease, Fights breast cancer, Liver Cirrhosis, and helps with headaches.
Bananas are one of the healthiest fruits. They increase levels of serotonin in your brain. Banana Peels when rubbed on a mosquito/insect bite takes away the itch.
One Bagel is equal to SIX slices of bread.
8 oz. Glass of Water & 2 Tbs. salt affectively treats diarrhea. The salt absorbs excess fluid binding the fecal matter.
I'm sure there will be many more of these tid-bits to come. These are just the ones I can remember, and the ones I had a chance to write down. Enjoy!
Margerine is one molecule away from being a plastic
When you have cardiovascular blockage Pomogranate or Pomogranate juice can reduce the blockage by a half. It also slows Prostate Cancer.
Coffee contains antioxidants important for fighting cancers, antibacterial components, reduces effects of Type II diabetes, Galstones, Minimizes tremors associated with Parkinson's Disease, Fights breast cancer, Liver Cirrhosis, and helps with headaches.
Bananas are one of the healthiest fruits. They increase levels of serotonin in your brain. Banana Peels when rubbed on a mosquito/insect bite takes away the itch.
One Bagel is equal to SIX slices of bread.
8 oz. Glass of Water & 2 Tbs. salt affectively treats diarrhea. The salt absorbs excess fluid binding the fecal matter.
I'm sure there will be many more of these tid-bits to come. These are just the ones I can remember, and the ones I had a chance to write down. Enjoy!
I'm thankful to have been out of the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Living just 30 minutes from the New Orleans area though, you can't help but feel like a part of your home was lost. History, food, and culture are all apart of the cities charm. And the Saints? Considered for years as an after thought of all New Orleans has to offer. I'm glad to see, though, that after Katrina the Saints stepped up in a big way, and as cliche as it sounds...gave hope to alot of people. I was sad to see them lose yesterday, but I'm excited to see what they will do next season. I admit I'm a bandwagon fan. I hate to watch a losing team, but Craig is one of those rare loyal fans. The kind that watch even though there is no prayer in heaven they could win or even make it to playoffs. A few weeks ago he got to meet Marques Colston...

In Hayden News...
He's doing that whole awkward army crawl thing. You can tell he's really not into it though. It seems painful for him to exert a little energy. He's also rocking on his hands and knees, so I'm waiting for him to, any moment, take off across the house leaving destruction everywhere he goes.
He's 8 Months old today! I can't believe it. He's 2/3's of a year old! I'm already thinking about his first birthday. I can't wait to plan it. Here are a few recent pics of him...

By the way...He's also a total Momma's boy! I think Craig is a little jealous, but "hey!" I need to enjoy it while I can, right? In just a little while he'll be all grown up wanting to do boy stuff with daddy. So I'm definately enjoying my sweet little "Momma's Boy"!
In Hayden News...
He's doing that whole awkward army crawl thing. You can tell he's really not into it though. It seems painful for him to exert a little energy. He's also rocking on his hands and knees, so I'm waiting for him to, any moment, take off across the house leaving destruction everywhere he goes.
He's 8 Months old today! I can't believe it. He's 2/3's of a year old! I'm already thinking about his first birthday. I can't wait to plan it. Here are a few recent pics of him...
By the way...He's also a total Momma's boy! I think Craig is a little jealous, but "hey!" I need to enjoy it while I can, right? In just a little while he'll be all grown up wanting to do boy stuff with daddy. So I'm definately enjoying my sweet little "Momma's Boy"!
My Pregnancy still Lingers On...
Wednesday I went to the dentist for a "consult". I knew I needed a little work done but I had no Idea. I need SIX fillings!!! Not One, Two, Or Three......SIX!!! These fillings also come with an awesome $400 price tag. I am choosing to believe I don't have that bad of a dental hygiene problem, so my pregnancy must have been the culprit. Several people have confirmed this: that pregnancy can ruin your teeth, but I mean...geez people! I might need dentures by the time I have another baby!
All I can say is that Hayden is worth it. He's getting so big now. He will definately be a heartbreaker. His hair has grown out so much since his first hair cut (december 8th) that he could already use another one! If he were a girl, and not that I wish he was, I would have a field day playing with all that hair. His eyes are still an amazing blue color, his cheeks always blushed to perfection, and that smile...forget about it! He just makes me melt!

And, if you haven't heard this song yet (you may recognize it from the last season of American Idol) you need to! It's "Home" by Michael Bublé. It's an older song, but I love it so much. I pretty much listen to it on repeat in my car every chance I get.
Till next time. Ciao!
All I can say is that Hayden is worth it. He's getting so big now. He will definately be a heartbreaker. His hair has grown out so much since his first hair cut (december 8th) that he could already use another one! If he were a girl, and not that I wish he was, I would have a field day playing with all that hair. His eyes are still an amazing blue color, his cheeks always blushed to perfection, and that smile...forget about it! He just makes me melt!
And, if you haven't heard this song yet (you may recognize it from the last season of American Idol) you need to! It's "Home" by Michael Bublé. It's an older song, but I love it so much. I pretty much listen to it on repeat in my car every chance I get.
Till next time. Ciao!
Thought for the Day
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must; but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit;
It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit.
*My 7th grade English teacher gave my class this poem about 10 years ago; It's stuck with me since. Now I have Hayden, this great little boy, and everyday I get to come home to these kisses....

How Blessed am I?
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must; but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit;
It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit.
*My 7th grade English teacher gave my class this poem about 10 years ago; It's stuck with me since. Now I have Hayden, this great little boy, and everyday I get to come home to these kisses....
How Blessed am I?
Me at 17
My senior year of high school in english class we were given the project of writing a letter to ourselves 5 years in the future. I just got mine the other day and I really enjoyed reading it. This is what I had to say to me five years ago...
Well, hello! I feel very awkward writing to myself. By the time I recieve this I'll be around 21 years old. So, let me tell you a little bit about yourself as a high school senior: I'm 17, I drive a red, 96 mustang, I have a 3.5 GPA, I'm a cheerleader, I run cross-country (co-captain), and track (5:52 PR), I go to Abundant Life Church, my closest friends are Daffne N***, Katie O***, Kendra H***, I have a calico cat named Gypsie, I love being artistic, I love being envolved in school activities, I ran a 13:02 at the state cross-country meet, I was the 2001 Homecoming Queen, My favorite candy is a kit-kat, I'm on the National Honor Roll, I was elected to Who's Who among American High School students, my nickname is "Banana", my Freshman year we were the Bloomer Bowl Champs (The FR BALLARS), I was secretary of our Junior class, I'm Parish Champ in the 1 mile and 2 mile, I'm 2nd in District in cross-country, The Girls cross-country team placed third at state (one point away from SSA), I ran 15th in the state for cross-country, the cheerleading squad placed 1st in parish - 1st in the twist-N-shout - 3rd at Regionals - and we're going to NATIONALS (hello Mickey!), I love to imitate "carla" from the movie "the other sister", I wake up every morning for school at 5:40, My youth pastor is Greg Beatty, I sometimes dye my hair the color "clove", I'm currently growing my hair really long, I love to read my bible, I want to name my girl Mackenzie and my boy Christian, My brothers live in Colorado Springs, and most of all I love to make people smile and feel good about themselves,
I try my hardest to be a good Christian and a good person. I always put God first in my life. It's all about him. I love to be around others and be envolved. I love to make people laugh and I love to even laugh myself. I very rarely have bad days, but I do worry alot. Hanna, don't stress on things. Life gives you many trials and tribulations that you must go through to grow and mature. Strength often comes from your failures in the past. God hasn't given you a problem that he doesn't know how to solve already. When your head is down and you feel like giving up - look up - you may just be inches from reaching your goal.
As of right now, I aspire to be a Kindergarten teacher. I'm most likely going to end up going to Southeastern (SLU). I plan on going to college, graduate, start working and while I'm working go to school to get my masters and my Ph.D.
I hope by the time I read this again I have found my niche in life. Good luck in all you do. Remember the Good times.
Love Always,
Hanna Hughes
I'll be 23 in February, and I'm no where I'd thought I'd be. I went to LSU for 3 years majoring in Kinesiology to become a Physical Therapist only to Change my major to Nursing and go to Our Lady of the Lake. I eventually want to pursue my Master's to become a Neonatal Nurse Practioner.
I'm married and have a wonderful little boy. I'm so happy I didn't have to spend years finding that one person who I wanted to grow old with. Craig is my #1 Cheerleader and my biggest fan. He helps me through everything. And Hayden? I can't say enough about him. He's my motivation and light everyday. Life is good people! Enjoy It!
Well, hello! I feel very awkward writing to myself. By the time I recieve this I'll be around 21 years old. So, let me tell you a little bit about yourself as a high school senior: I'm 17, I drive a red, 96 mustang, I have a 3.5 GPA, I'm a cheerleader, I run cross-country (co-captain), and track (5:52 PR), I go to Abundant Life Church, my closest friends are Daffne N***, Katie O***, Kendra H***, I have a calico cat named Gypsie, I love being artistic, I love being envolved in school activities, I ran a 13:02 at the state cross-country meet, I was the 2001 Homecoming Queen, My favorite candy is a kit-kat, I'm on the National Honor Roll, I was elected to Who's Who among American High School students, my nickname is "Banana", my Freshman year we were the Bloomer Bowl Champs (The FR BALLARS), I was secretary of our Junior class, I'm Parish Champ in the 1 mile and 2 mile, I'm 2nd in District in cross-country, The Girls cross-country team placed third at state (one point away from SSA), I ran 15th in the state for cross-country, the cheerleading squad placed 1st in parish - 1st in the twist-N-shout - 3rd at Regionals - and we're going to NATIONALS (hello Mickey!), I love to imitate "carla" from the movie "the other sister", I wake up every morning for school at 5:40, My youth pastor is Greg Beatty, I sometimes dye my hair the color "clove", I'm currently growing my hair really long, I love to read my bible, I want to name my girl Mackenzie and my boy Christian, My brothers live in Colorado Springs, and most of all I love to make people smile and feel good about themselves,
I try my hardest to be a good Christian and a good person. I always put God first in my life. It's all about him. I love to be around others and be envolved. I love to make people laugh and I love to even laugh myself. I very rarely have bad days, but I do worry alot. Hanna, don't stress on things. Life gives you many trials and tribulations that you must go through to grow and mature. Strength often comes from your failures in the past. God hasn't given you a problem that he doesn't know how to solve already. When your head is down and you feel like giving up - look up - you may just be inches from reaching your goal.
As of right now, I aspire to be a Kindergarten teacher. I'm most likely going to end up going to Southeastern (SLU). I plan on going to college, graduate, start working and while I'm working go to school to get my masters and my Ph.D.
I hope by the time I read this again I have found my niche in life. Good luck in all you do. Remember the Good times.
Love Always,
Hanna Hughes
I'll be 23 in February, and I'm no where I'd thought I'd be. I went to LSU for 3 years majoring in Kinesiology to become a Physical Therapist only to Change my major to Nursing and go to Our Lady of the Lake. I eventually want to pursue my Master's to become a Neonatal Nurse Practioner.
I'm married and have a wonderful little boy. I'm so happy I didn't have to spend years finding that one person who I wanted to grow old with. Craig is my #1 Cheerleader and my biggest fan. He helps me through everything. And Hayden? I can't say enough about him. He's my motivation and light everyday. Life is good people! Enjoy It!
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - I've got it and I can't help it. I can't set my alarm clock to anytime other than that of a multiple of five, nor can I do this when turning up the volume on a T.V. stereo, or any other device for that matter.
Today, my OCD took hold of me again as I finished graduating a few students (I'm a registrar). Throughout their classes we file all students test papers in a separate cabinet from their academic file. When you graduate someone you pull all sorts of things to put together, one being these test papers. As I did this for one particular student I noticed the label on his test paper folder had their last name spelled wrong. It ended with an "h" not an "l". After we're done with these folders we just throw them in the back to be re-used whenever, but I just couldn't help myself. I whipped out my ink pen and made that "l" an "h"....and afterwards....I felt so much better {sigh}. I'm hopeless sometimes. Oh well, "A place for everything, and everything in its place."
Until next time...ciao!
Today, my OCD took hold of me again as I finished graduating a few students (I'm a registrar). Throughout their classes we file all students test papers in a separate cabinet from their academic file. When you graduate someone you pull all sorts of things to put together, one being these test papers. As I did this for one particular student I noticed the label on his test paper folder had their last name spelled wrong. It ended with an "h" not an "l". After we're done with these folders we just throw them in the back to be re-used whenever, but I just couldn't help myself. I whipped out my ink pen and made that "l" an "h"....and afterwards....I felt so much better {sigh}. I'm hopeless sometimes. Oh well, "A place for everything, and everything in its place."
Until next time...ciao!
Catching Up
Today I had lunch with my long-time pal Daffne. It was so good to see her and catch up on a whole lot of nothing. She just graduated from college and I just became a new mom, so we really haven't had alot of time to do "girl stuff" lately. I love the fact that we could go weeks without talking and pick up right where we left off. To me that defines a really great friendship - You don't have to talk everyday to know they're right there for you at every moment.
With that said, did you ever have a friend you were so close with everywhere you went someone would always ask where your other half was? Well, that person for me is my dear friend Katie. I say "dear", but we've lost touch over the years. Now I have to constantly explain to everyone I run into how we're not really friends anymore, but not because we had a falling out - It's just that we let life get in the way...I guess!?! So, I guess you could consider this a New Years resolution - To get reacquainted with Katie, the friend no one will let me forget about. I do miss her {sigh} Good times....good times.
With that said, did you ever have a friend you were so close with everywhere you went someone would always ask where your other half was? Well, that person for me is my dear friend Katie. I say "dear", but we've lost touch over the years. Now I have to constantly explain to everyone I run into how we're not really friends anymore, but not because we had a falling out - It's just that we let life get in the way...I guess!?! So, I guess you could consider this a New Years resolution - To get reacquainted with Katie, the friend no one will let me forget about. I do miss her {sigh} Good times....good times.
New Years
Goodbye 2006! Hello 2007! I really didn't make any New Years resolutions this time around. Maybe because I never follow through with them. It's sad to see another year go by because It means I'm getting older, and so is Hayden. At the same time though It's exciting to see Hayden growing and discovering new things.
January 1, 2007....Hayden sits up by himself for the first time!

From us to you have a Great 2007!!!
January 1, 2007....Hayden sits up by himself for the first time!
From us to you have a Great 2007!!!

Christmas was great! Looking back at my childhood I never thought I would get to a point in my life where it would be more fun to watch someone else open gifts instead of myself. But, I'm there! Watching Hayden explore the details of Christmas was so much fun. From wrapping paper and tissue paper, to ornaments and red Christmas cups.
Christmas cups? Yep, that was pretty much Hayden (and Blakeleigh's) favorite part of the season.

Christmas started at our house, of course, and ended at Craig's mom and dad's house. Here are few pics...

Merry Christmas!
Christmas cups? Yep, that was pretty much Hayden (and Blakeleigh's) favorite part of the season.
Christmas started at our house, of course, and ended at Craig's mom and dad's house. Here are few pics...
Merry Christmas!

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